So, are searching for How to Get clear Skin Tips the you are in the right place just scroll down a little bit and follow this basic rules I am sure you'll up with a clear and fair skin.

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How to Get Clear Skin

1. Healthier food - Everyone knows this but ignores. But it's simple if you not eat healthy food your body will not get those things that is actually needed.

men's grooming tips, mens clear skin tips

   So always try to eat Vitamins, Key minerals, Omega fatty acids, Fish oil, Protein and Antioxidants (Healthy vegetables, Nuts, Fish, Avocado seeds, Sweet potato, Soy)
   Always avoid Sugar, Bad oils, Bad carbs like bread.

2. Always Use Handkerchief - Through our day you pick up a lot of germs and then you touch your face all over with that dirty hand and then

men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

it goes into to r pores and all those things happen like pimples, so you should always use a handkerchief.

3. Drink more Water - Everyone knows this also but ignores. You should drink at least 8 glass of water everyday.
men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

The more water you drink the more toxins your body will release and at the end you'll get a clear and fair skin.

4. Skin Care Routine - Yaaa men's face is also like women's but you don't need a thousand of products but you just need a basic skin care routine.

men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

    Like use a good face wash, when ever you come from outside or wake up just wash your face,
   Whenever you going outside use sun screen or try to cover your face,
   You can use alovera juice,
   Use a Exfoliating Toner after face wash for better results

5. Sleep - You must need a good sleep of 7 to 8 hours.

men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

 Yaaa... I know that in our busy life style it is very hard to get 7 to 8 hour of sleep but at least you need a 6 hour of sleep. It's not only for your face but also for your body.

6. Do Not Pop the Pimples - I suggest you to write this on your wall, just kidding but you should always keep it in your mind.

men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

     Yaaa..Never pop those pimples if you don't know the right process . It can cause acne marks and worse permanent scars.

men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

7. Stress Less - You must need to live a stress less live to get a fair skin. But now days it is very hard to not take stress. But I suggest you whenever you are in stress do the things you like the most it'll help you to reduce stress.

men's grooming tips, tips for fair skin

    Otherwise if you take stress your body creates hormones like cortisol and it can cause pimples even worse.

So, if our How to get clear skin tips for men post help you the I'll suggest you our other grooming tips post, I hope you like those also.